Jan 29, 2009

Skull Crush - inks

An idea that's been circling in my head for the past month or so...
I want to try and color this for my portfolio.

Jan 28, 2009


Just finished inking this little piece a bit ago.
This is Yukidaura (Snowman) a robot snow man and his son.
You're probably thinking to yourself...
how does a robot snow man have a snow man son?
Well it's simple... stop thinking about it!

Jan 25, 2009

WARNING: New friend Approching...

It's none other than Jael Rodriguez, Mika's engineer friend!
Thanks goes to my gal pal Aimee, for helping me in my time of need.

Jan 15, 2009


A couple of things week I've been working on...

A turn around for my character Mika in her uniform.

I wonder what game I've been playing a lot lately...

Jan 7, 2009

New Year

I guess you could say, my first post of the year.
Let's all have a good one!